8 Tips for Meditating When You’re an Overthinker

8 Tips for Meditating When You’re an Overthinker: Despite having meditated for a long time, I still find it difficult to completely shut my mind off. Let me introduce you to my “monkey mind,” the unwanted, agitated thoughts that prevent me from achieving mental peace.

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8 Tips for Meditating When You’re an Overthinker

8 Tips for Meditating When You’re an Overthinker
8 Tips for Meditating When You’re an Overthinker

For those of us with excessive thoughts, truly entering a meditative state can be a challenging task, even though the idea of clearing the mind and indulging in meditation seems incredibly restorative.

1. Create a consistent schedule

When it comes to calming our mind, practice makes perfect, just like with any other positive habit.

The first step in teaching your brain when to relax is to establish a consistent time of day.

Naturally, this does not imply that you have to meditate at 0600 hours every day with a militant attitude.

“Religions shouldn’t apply to meditation. Each practitioner should find it intuitive and comfortable, according to Neidich. “The time of day you’ll actually stick to it is the best time to practice.”

2. Create a meditative space

Being six feet away from your whining toddler or surrounded by mountains of laundry makes it difficult to enter a state of meditation. It is important to consider your physical surroundings before beginning a meditation practice.

Think about designating a room in your house specifically for meditation. It is not need to be large.

This could be setting aside a specific chair, lighting a fragrant candle, or taking a seat in front of a picture that you find particularly moving. You’ll eventually start to identify this calm area with decompressing.

3. Meditate with others

Though it may seem like a rather private practice, meditation has very large benefits.

Breathwork and meditation instructor Candice Fairoth, who teaches in Los Angeles, says, “There’s no doubt meditating with a partner or in a class can amplify your experience.” Collective energy is a powerful thing.

Including a partner in our meditation practice not only helps us break free from our own mental patterns, but it also offers accountability that practicing alone cannot.

According to Fairoth, “I think entering a container with others helps pull us out of our minds and into the experience.” Additionally, since we are aware that we are a part of something greater than ourselves, we want to manifest more fully.

4. Meditate virtually

Virtual meditation is just using immersive technology in your meditation practice.

It can seem illogical to do this. Unplugging is a key component of meditation, right? Please bear with me on this.

I’ve been using a virtual reality headset for years with incredible benefits to help me focus. I can fully quiet my mind by removing all exterior distractions by strapping the large device to my face and choosing images like a serene forest or sunny beach.

If purchasing a VR headset is out of your price range, there are free online options for virtual meditation.

5. Meditate to a recording

Keep the YouTube app open for now! Recorded guided meditations could be the overthinker’s key to successful contemplation.

By giving the brain something to concentrate on, listening to a leading voice helps block out distracting ideas.

A guided journey has similar benefits to silent meditation, while not being able to completely still your mind.

According to Fairoth, “guided meditations are extremely powerful in achieving all the benefits one would look for in meditation.” “This includes lowering blood pressure, heart rate, and stress response, as well as boosting mood, calming anxiety, and activating the sympathetic nervous system.”

6. Do some yoga first

Yoga and meditation go hand in hand for a reason. There are real, quantifiable benefits to synchronizing your breathing and exhalation with physical activities when it comes to mental focus.

According to a 2018 study, yoga that emphasizes breath and movement lowers stress-related markers. Specifically, breath-focused exercises enhanced sustained concentration.

Moving about a bit while meditation might also help relieve some of the pressure to just “be” in the moment.

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7. Start with some breathwork

A trick for mind-stilling is to use controlled breathing exercises. As a matter of fact, many meditation techniques center entirely around breathing, with the assumption that mental and emotional well-being will ensue.

There are scientifically proven benefits to simply slowing down our breathing, such as lowering anxiety and relaxing the nervous system. In the meanwhile, during meditation, focusing on your breath offers a steady point of reference that is a welcome diversion from intrusive ideas.

8. Add music

Almost everything is improved by music, and meditation is no different.

Research such as this one from 2012 and this one from 2007 demonstrate how the proper music can help retrain the brain to focus better. According to some research, listening to New Age music may even lower heart rate more than simply being silent.

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